KellPro API Reference Guide

GET | POST | DELETE treasurer/invoices

Provides information about the invoices associated with tax items.

Resource URL


id Optional

DELETE — The identifier assigned to the record.

Example: 525

interest_date Optional

POST — The date the interest should be calculated from.

Example: 2025-03-10

interest_percent Optional


invoice_amount Optional

POST — The total amount of the invoice.

Example: 3148.99

invoice_due Optional

POST — The date, if any that the invoice is due by.

Example: 2025-03-10

invoice_due_maximum Optional

GET — The maximum invoice_due amount on rows that will be returned.

Example: 1000

invoice_due_minimum Optional

GET — The minimum invoice_due amount on rows that will be returned.

Example: 100

invoice_link Optional

POST | DELETE — A system unique identifier used by the customer system to identify the invoice.

Example: 1283

invoice_parent_link Optional

POST — A system unique identifier used by the customer system to link child invoices to the parent invoice.

Example: 3821

invoice_type Optional

POST — A one character representation of the type of invoice. Most of the time will not be set. S=Special Assessment

Example: S

item_number Optional

POST — The tax roll item number assigned to the record. Should be a 1 decimal point float.

Example: 2524.0

offset Optional

GET — Specifies which page of the results to return. Can be used to page through the results returned. Page numbering starts at 1, not 0.

Example: 2

origin Optional

POST — System origin of the data.

Example: kpsMike

owner Optional

POST — The name of the owner associated with the invoice.

Example: Keller, Tim

parcel Optional

POST — The string identifier for the parcel.

Example: 1930-00-001-009-0-000-00

per_page Optional

GET — The number of rows to return per page of results, maximum of 100.

Example: 50

per_type Optional

POST — A one character representation of a narrowed down type of invoice.

Example: F

posted_date Optional

POST — The date the invoice was issued.

Example: 2025-03-10


GET | POST | DELETE — The identifier assigned to the site.

Example: 2

tax_roll_link Optional

POST — A system unique identifier used by the customer system to identify the tax roll.

Example: 8411

tax_year Optional

POST — The year representing the fiscal year the information is for.

Example: 2012

tax_year_end Optional

GET — The ending year for the tax year date range. Must be accompanied by the tax_year_start parameter.

Example: 2010

tax_year_start Optional

GET — The starting year for the tax year date range. Must be accompanied by the tax_year_end parameter.

Example: 2000

Example Request


		"tsvector":"'-0':7A '-00':4A,9A '-001':8A '-004':6A '-007':5A '0275':3A '027500007004000100':10A '19703.0':19A '73648':18C '945':14B 'blake':2A 'box':13B 'brewer':1A 'citi':16C 'elk':15C 'o':12B 'ok':17C 'p':11B",