KellPro API Reference Guide

This resource is obsolete. Please use the new API.

GET okcr/search

Provides a mechanism to search for instruments by several different parameters.

This resource includes all of the fields available with the search.

Many of the parameters have special requirements for searching such as length and formatting. Many of the parameters also accept wildcard characters to make the search broader.


  • % — Matches any string of zero or more characters. — Smith, J*n will match Jon, John and Jen Smith.
  • _ — Matches any single character. — Smith, J?n will match both Jon and Jen Smith.

Resource URL


addition Optional

Specifies the addition that the instrument is filed in. This parameter will return partially matched records.


block Optional

Specifies the block that the instrument is filed in.

Example: 1

book Optional

The book that the instrument is filed in. This parameter will be automatically zero-padded to the correct length.

Example: 002007

county Optional

Specifies the short character code that is assigned to each county.

Example: 021

date_end Optional

The ending date for a date range for the instrument. Must be accompanied by the date_start parameter.

Example: 2011-10-31

date_start Optional

The starting date for a date range for the instrument. Must be accompanied by the date_end parameter.

Example: 2011-10-01

exact_type Optional

The abbreviation or description of the type of instrument associated with the instrument. The abbreviations may be found in the instrumenttypes resource. Exact same as "type" parameter except no replacements will be made on the given string.

Example: LN REL

last_modified_end Optional

The ending date for a date range for the last time the instrument or one of it's images, people or legals was modified. Must be a date after June 3rd, 2015 and must be accompanied by the last_modified_start parameter.

Example: 2015-06-04

last_modified_start Optional

The starting date for a date range for the last time the instrument or one of it's images, people or legals was modified. Must be a date after June 3rd, 2015 and must be accompanied by the last_modified_end parameter.

Example: 2015-06-04

legal Optional

The legal description associated with the instrument. This parameter accepts wildcard characters and will return partially matched records.

Example: S20 T24N R25E NE SW

lot Optional

Specifies the lot that the instrument is filed in.

Example: 5

number Optional

Specifies the number that is assigned to the instrument. This parameter will be automatically zero-padded to the correct length.

Example: 000324

offset Optional

Specifies which page of the results to return. Can be used to page through the results returned. The response will also returns a reference to the next & previous pages if they exist. The page numbering starts at 1, not 0.

Example: 3

page Optional

A page that is associated with the instrument. This parameter will be automatically zero-padded to the correct length.

Example: 0833

party Optional

The party name to search for. Must be formatted as Last, First to match party names. This parameter accepts wildcard characters and will return partially matched records.

Example: Smith, John D

per_page Optional

An integer for the number of results to return on each page of results. Can be any number between 1 and 100.

Example: 10

quarter Optional

Specifies the quarter section that the instrument is filed in.

Example: NW NE

range Optional

Specifies the range that the instrument is filed in.

Example: 8

recorded_end Optional

The ending date for a date range for when the instrument was recorded. Must be accompanied by the recorded_start parameter.

Example: 2011-10-31

recorded_start Optional

The starting date for a date range for when the instrument was recorded. Must be accompanied by the recorded_end parameter.

Example: 2011-10-01

section Optional

Specifies the section that the instrument is filed in.

Example: 24

series Optional

Specifies the series that the instrument is filed in.

Example: 2011

township Optional

Specifies the township that the instrument is filed in.

Example: 8

type Optional

The abbreviation of the type of instrument associated with the instrument. The abbreviations may be found in the instrumenttypes resource. The following replacements will be made to the given string: "'" will be replaced with a single quote ('), while these characters will be replaced with "_" resulting in a wildcard: / - \ &

Example: LN REL

Example Request


			"instrumentType":"Lien Release",
			"instrumentType":"Lien Release",