KellPro API Reference Guide

GET | POST | DELETE treasurer/tax_rolls

Provides information about tax rolls. This information is usually provided by the assessor.

Resource URL


account_number Optional

POST — The number of the account assigned to the record. Accounts are used to group a customer's taxes together.

Example: 09451

acres Optional

POST — The number of acres for the parcel of land.

Example: 1.25

addition Optional

POST — The addition the property is located at.

Example: 1001

assessed_exemption Optional

POST — The exemptions for the assessed value.

Example: 0.00

assessed_gross Optional

POST — The gross assessed value.

Example: 2200.00

assessed_improvements Optional

POST — The assessed value for any improvements.

Example: 36910.00

assessed_miscellaneous Optional

POST — The miscellaneous assessed value.

Example: 12.00

assessed_mobile_home Optional

POST — The assessed value for a mobile home.

Example: 0.00

assessed_net Optional

POST — The net assessed value.

Example: 39110.00

assessed_property Optional

POST — The assessed value for the property.

Example: 12344.00

block Optional

POST — The block the property is located at.

Example: 171

business_name Optional


id Optional

DELETE — The identifier assigned to the record.

Example: 525

item_number Optional

POST — The tax roll item number assigned to the record. Should be a 1 decimal point float.

Example: 2524.0

legal_description Optional

POST — Legal description for the property.

Example: S 32 RDS OF SE4 1/3

lot Optional

POST — The lot the property is located at.

Example: 001

millage_rate Optional

POST — The tax, or millage rate for the tax item.

Example: 0.0875500

mortgage_code Optional

POST — Any mortgage code associated with the tax item.

Example: 0123

offset Optional

GET — Specifies which page of the results to return. Can be used to page through the results returned. Page numbering starts at 1, not 0.

Example: 2

origin Optional

POST — System origin of the data.

Example: kpsMike

owner Optional

POST — The name of the owner associated with the tax roll.

Example: Keller, Tim

owner_address1 Optional

POST — The first address line for the owner's contact information.

Example: 101 S. 15th St.

owner_address2 Optional

POST — The second address line for the owner's contact information.


owner_address3 Optional


owner_city Optional

POST — The city for the owner's contact information.

Example: Duncan

owner_postal Optional

POST — The postal code for the owner's contact information.

Example: 73533

owner_state Optional

POST — The state for the owner's contact information.

Example: OK

parcel Optional

POST — The string identifier for the parcel.

Example: 1930-00-001-009-0-000-00

per_doing_business_as Optional


per_page Optional

GET — The number of rows to return per page of results, maximum of 100.

Example: 50

physical_street Optional

POST — Physical street of the property.

Example: Sutherland

physical_street_direction Optional

POST — Physical street direction of the property.

Example: S

physical_street_number Optional

POST — Physical street number of the property.

Example: 30158

physical_town Optional

POST — Physical town the property is in.

Example: Altus

property_address1 Optional

POST — The first address line for the property.

Example: 101 S. 15th St.

property_address2 Optional

POST — The second address line for the property.


property_city Optional

POST — The city the property is located in.

Example: Duncan

property_postal Optional

POST — The postal code the property is located in.

Example: 73533

property_state Optional

POST — The state the property is located in.

Example: OK

school_district Optional

POST — The school district the property is located in.

Example: 201-DUNCN


GET | POST | DELETE — The identifier assigned to the site.

Example: 2

tax_roll_link Optional

POST | DELETE — A system unique identifier used by the customer system to identify the tax roll.

Example: 8411

tax_type Optional

POST — A one character representation of the type of tax. P=Personal, R=Real Estate, O=Other

Example: P|R|O

tax_year Optional

POST — The year representing the fiscal year the information is for.

Example: 2012

tax_year_end Optional

GET — The ending year for the tax year date range. Must be accompanied by the tax_year_start parameter.

Example: 2010

tax_year_start Optional

GET — The starting year for the tax year date range. Must be accompanied by the tax_year_end parameter.

Example: 2000

Example Request


		"tax_type":" ",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL & ARDIS ABLE",
		"owner_state":"  ",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL & ARDIS ABLE",
		"owner_address1":"RT 1 BOX 250",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          SHEB WOOLEY              S       212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19  BLK 34",
		"owner_address1":"RT 1 BOX 250",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          SHEB WOOLEY              S       212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19  BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"RT 1 BOX 250",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          SHEB WOOLEY              S       212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19  BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"RT 1 BOX 250",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          SHEB WOOLEY              S       212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19  BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"RT 1 BOX 250",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          SHEB WOOLEY              S       212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19  BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"RT 1 BOX 250",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          SHEB WOOLEY              S       212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19  BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"RT 1 BOX 250",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          SHEB WOOLEY              S       212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19  BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"RT 1 BOX 250",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          SHEB WOOLEY              S       212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19  BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"RT 1 BOX 250",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          SHEB WOOLEY              S       212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19  BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"RT. 1 BOX 250",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          SHEB WOOLEY              S       212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19  BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"RT. 1 BOX 250",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          SHEB WOOLEY              S       212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19 BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"RT. 1 BOX 250",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          S SHEB WOOLEY             212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19 BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"RT. 1 BOX 250",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          S SHEB WOOLEY             212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19 BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"RT. 1 BOX 250",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          S SHEB WOOLEY             212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19 BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"202 NE BOUNDARY RD",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          S SHEB WOOLEY             212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19 BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"202 NE BOUNDARY RD",
		"property_address1":"ERICK          S SHEB WOOLEY             212",
		"school_district":"204 51E",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19 BLK 34",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"202 NE BOUNDARY RD",
		"property_address1":"212 SHEB WOOLEY ERICK",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19 BLK 34",
		"physical_street":"SHEB WOOLEY",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"202 NE BOUNDARY RD",
		"property_address1":"212 S SHEB WOOLEY ERICK",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19 BLK 34",
		"physical_street":"SHEB WOOLEY",
		"owner":"ABLA,CARL W.",
		"owner_address1":"202 NE BOUNDARY RD",
		"property_address1":"2120 S SHEB WOOLEY ERICK",
		"school_district":"ERICK SCHOOL",
		"legal_description":"ORIG. LOT 19 BLK 34",
		"physical_street":"SHEB WOOLEY",